Multi Function Tribometer MFT-2000A

Introducing the MFT-2000 Tribometer system, we offer you a compact benchtop model for accurate and fast measurement of friction, wear and mechanical properties. This new system offers versatility in configuration and can be adapted according to your needs and budgets.


The platform can be selected with either manual or motorized stages for more flexibility. Rotary and linear reciprocating modules are interchangeable, both can be used in combination with heating chambers up to 500°C.


Contact us to discover the possibilities and applications with this unique benchtop tribometer.

ICON-key-features-greyKey Features and Benefits

♦   Forge range up to 200N

♦   Optional in-line 3D profilometer

♦   Forge range up to 200N

ICON-key-features-greyRelated Applications

♦   Thin films, coatings, ceramics, polymers, metals,…

♦   Automotive, aerospace, semiconductor, lubricants,..

♦   Pharmaceutical, medical and bio-materials

About Rtec Instruments

Rtec Instruments develops and manufactures advanced mechanical, surface testing and measurement solutions for research and industrial applications. We share a philosophy that embraces collaboration and partnering with customers and other leaders in academia and industry to ensure our products

answer real needs with innovative solutions.

Why Rtec Instruments?

♦   Upgradeable and modular platform 

♦   Open access software for customized tests and        programming

♦   Unique patented technologies

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